Tristellateia australasiae

‘Shower of Gold’

FAMILY: Tristellateia

USES: Used for its strong and prolific flower display which helps provide a tropical effect throughout the year. Best used on fences, arches, gazebos, trellis, walls and as an accent plant, in containers, in planters on structures and as a groundcover.

SIZE: Grows up to 10m tall with a 10m spread when used as a vine at a rate of 2m p/a or more. Medium to fast growth rate.

LOCATION: Full sun to light partial shade. Too much shade and the plant will become leggy. Does best in the more humid coastal and seashore locations.

SOIL: Best in an organically enriched, free draining fertile soil with a pH 6.1 – 7.8, mildly acidic to mildly alkaline. Benefits from a 7.5cm deep mulch to help keep its roots cool.

FERTILISER: Apply a light application of slow release 14:14:14 NPK every 4 months. Benefits from additional P during flowering which helps to stimulate additional blooms.

WATER: Keep soil moist. Drought tolerance for short periods only. Does not accept over irrigation or waterlogging for more than 4-6 weeks at a time.

Plant No.: 6904 Category:

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